Local Actions 2025
Below are consistent actions available 24/7.
VC Defensa is a coalition of local organizations dedicated to protecting the immigrant and refugee population of Ventura County.
Call or text 805-296-1119 to sign up for alerts.
Become a volunteer here: https://vcdefensa.org/volunteer
805-870-8855 is the hotline number for San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties.
Ranked Choice Voting is a system where you rank candidates in order of preference, and if your top choice doesn’t win, your vote goes to your next choice until someone gets a majority. It has multiple benefits including:
Reduces Vote-Splitting – Similar candidates can't steal each other’s votes, allowing progressives to support their top choices without fear of "splitting" the election and encouraging third-party candidates.
Weakens the Lesser-Evil Guilt – Voters don’t have to settle for the "electable" option; they can rank their true preferences.
Levels of the Playing Field – Newcomers and grassroots candidates can win by building broad coalitions instead of relying on financial backing from corporate establishments.
Rewards Coalition-Building – Candidates succeed by appealing to a diverse base, not just a narrow primary electorate.
Reduces the Power of Big Money – Big money (or dark money) candidates have a harder chance of winning because they can no longer rely on misinformation, fear-mongering, and attack ads.
Challenges Incumbent Advantage – Encourages new people in politics by making it easier for challengers to run.
Reduces Voter Disenfranchisement – Makes elections more representative of the electorate, particularly for younger, more diverse voters.
YCEF stands in solidarity with Palestinians and supports a permanent ceasefire. We have linked a petition that we ask Ventura County constituents to sign. The petition urges California representatives to represent the majority of Ventura County constituents by:
Acknowledging the brutality of Israeli war crimes against Palestinians
Demanding an immediate, permanent, ceasefire in Gaza
Calling for an end to American military aid to Israel