Frequently Asked Questions

For any other inquiries please contact us at or on social media. Thank you!


Will it be accessible?

 We will work our hardest to make this event as accessible as possible. We plan to have interpreters, ride-sharing, a wheelchair-accessible venue, and more. If you would like to request specific accommodations, please use any of these forms or contact us directly. 


Who can attend?

YCEF is an event that is open to youth (under the age of 35) interested in social justice, social change, intersectionalism, and equity. This event takes place in Ventura County but is open to any neighboring areas.


How much does registration cost?

To ensure this event is as accessible as possible, there will be no cost for organizations or attendees. Through grants and sponsorships, YCEF will cover all costs for venue and food. If you are in need of a no-cost meal provided during the lunch break of this event, please indicate so on our RSVP form


What will this event look like?

       This event will have live music, food trucks, and guest speakers, but also tables of organizations led by politically active youth and workshops for young activists to learn networking skills. Ideally, all the youth organizations around Ventura County get to network with each other to share resources, help each other promote our social justice goals, and ensure each organization is approaching their subjects (like environmentalism) from an intersectional perspective.  

We will have three different-sized workshops with varying purposes. The smaller workshops will be less than 10 people focusing on a niche issue, so participants can have a more social interaction with each other (such as a workshop for queer women of color). These workshops will consist of conversational-style discussions surrounding a relevant issue facing an area in Ventura County and potential solutions. 

Our medium-sized workshops will be less than 15 people and will be a more intellectual conversation about broad social justice issues with a focus on educating each other about the topic as well as problem-solving (such as local environmental issues). 

Our larger workshops will be 15+ people discussing wide-reaching issues relevant to many different groups and youth activism overall (such as gun violence and education reform). 


What is the objective?

To give politically active youth an opportunity for large-scale networking with fellow activists and social justice organizations. Our efforts as youth activists will be more effective as we work together towards the same goal: social change. YCEF will give youth groups more public and local publicity. We plan to ensure intersectionality within these organizations through exposure and education. As youth, many of us lost our most formative years due to the pandemic. This has created challenges for socialization and building friendships with like-minded advocates. Through live music, performances, guest speakers, and workshops, we hope to rebuild these relationships.

By clicking the button above and filling out the provided form, you will allow us to know the number of participants who will need no-cost meals provided, transportation costs, earplugs for sensory issues, and other accommodations.  It also gives us a headcount for legal and organizing purposes.  We hope to see you at the Youth Civic Engagement Fair!